ARM-2000 SGP IOP Field Campaign

The Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program conducted a Cloud Intensive Operational Period (IOP) in March 2000 that was the first-ever effort to document the 3-dimensional cloud field from observational data. Prior numerical studies of solar radiation propagation through the atmosphere in the presence of clouds have been limited by the necessity to use theoretical representations of clouds. Three-dimensional representations of actual clouds and their microphysical properties, such as the distribution of ice and water, had previously not been possible because instrumentation appropriate to the task was not available.
This case study presents data from 1 March 2000 to 31 March 2000 and covers a region from 25°N to 45°N latitude and from 120°W to 80°W longitude.
For more information visit the ARM-2000 SGP IOP Home Page.