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GCSS-DIME Homepage

EPIC 2001 Field Campaign

IMAGE=Sample DX data

The purpose of the project was to investigate processes in the atmosphere and ocean that are known to be poorly represented in climate models: deep convective processes in the ITCZ, low-level cross-equatorial atmospheric flow into the ITCZ, mixing, transport and energy balance in the thin layer of warm surface water north of the equator and energy balance in the stratocumulus-topped region of cold water south of the equator.water south of the equator.

This case study presents data from 1 Sep 2001 to 31 Oct 2001 and covers a region from 5S to 20N latitude and from 110W to 85W longitude.

For more information visit the EPIC 2001 Home Page.

Model Forcing Datasets

Large-Scale Observations

Analysis Software