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GCSS-DIME Homepage

Large Scale Observations for RICO Field Campaign

The Rain In Cumulus over Ocean (RICO) experiment is an NSF-sponsored intensive field campaign to study precipitation formation in small trade wind cumuli, with the overarching goal of enhancing our understanding of the role of trade wind cumuli in the global water and energy cycles.
RICO began with a radar only period from November 24, 2004, to December 6, 2004. Flights and other operations began on December 7. The last day of the campaign was on January 24, 2005. All RICO operations fell within the SPOL radar range. The radar was located on Barbuda at 17.608 N, 61.824 W. The radar range is ~147 km. Satellite data, however, was collected over a larger area. This mattered most for ASTER, where we collected data between 12-22N and 55-65W. Flight operations took place on Antigua.

This case study presents data from 17 Nov 2004 to 24 Jan 2005 and covers a region from 10N to 25N latitude and from 70W to 55W longitude.

Gridded Data

Point Data

    Rawinsonde Observations
IMAGE=Sample DX data

| RICO Field Campaign