BBC Field Campaign

The BALTEX Bridge Cloud campaign (BBC) is a cloud observation campaign that took place in August and September 2001 in The Netherlands in the framework of CLIWA-NET and the 4D-WOLKEN project. Most of the ground-based observations were taken at the central site of Cabauw, and included radars, lidars, microwave radiometers, radiation measurements and meteorological observations (such as temperature, wind, etc.). First, along with the other observations, 8 microwave radiometers are intercompared at Cabauw for a period of 2 weeks. Next, they are placed in a regional network in and around Cabauw (100×100 km2), along with ceilometers, radiation measurements and meteorological measurements. During the operation of the regional network, 3 aircraft take measurements over the area. These consist of in situ cloud particle measurements and radiation measurements. More details on the BBC campaign can be found in the CLIWA-NET observational plan and will, as the preparations continue, appear on this web page.
This case study presents data from 1 Aug 2001 to 30 Sep 2001 and covers a region from 40N to 75N latitude and from 5W to 40E longitude.
For more information visit the BBC Home Page.