LBA Field Campaign
Large Scale Observations

LBA is an international field program designed to further understanding of the climatological, ecological, biogeochemical and hydrological processes in Amazonia, and the impact of land use change on these processes. The TRMM/LBA campaign took place in Brazil in the region 16S to 6 N and 76W to 49W (moving south to north and east to west) from November 1, 1998 through February 28, 1999.
This case study presents data from 1 Jan 1999 to 28 Feb 1999 and covers a region from 30S to 10N latitude and from 90W to 35W longitude.
Gridded Data
GPCP 1-Degree Daily Precipitation Data
TOVS Atmosphere Gridded Data Product
Point Data
Rawinsonde Observations