From AIRS: airs-Q5002hx2h.FEB09.enso.ssa specific humidity at 500mb (gm/kg) airs-Q8502hx2h.FEB09.enso.ssa specific humidity at 850mb (gm/kg) airs-clw2hx2h.FEB09.enso.ssa column cloud liquid water (kg/m^2) airs-cwv2hx2h.FEB09.enso.ssa column water vapor (kg/m^2) airs-sat2hx2h.FEB09.enso.ssa surface air temperature (K) airs-spres2hx2h.FEB09.enso.ssa surface pressure (mb) airs-t4002hx2h.FEB09.enso.ssa temperature at 400mb (K) airs-tskin2hx2h.FEB09.enso.ssa skin temperature (K) From AMSR-E: amsre-clw2hx2h.FEB09.enso.ssa column cloud liquid water (mm) amsre-cwv2hx2h.FEB09.enso.ssa column water vapor (mm) amsre-lwspd2hx2h.FEB09.enso.ssa surface wind speed from 10.7GHz channel (m/s) amsre-mwspd2hx2h.FEB09.enso.ssa surface wind speed from 18.7GHz channel (m/s) amsre-prec5x5.FEB09.enso.ssa precipitation (mm/day) amsre-sst2hx2h.FEB09.enso.ssa sea surface temperature (C) From ISCCP: isccp.aswtoa2hx2h.DEC07.enso.ssa absorbed shortwave radiation at TOA (W/m^2) isccp.olr2hx2h.DEC07.enso.ssa outgoing longwave radiation at TOA (W/m^2) isccp.rswtoa2hx2h.DEC07.enso.ssa reflected shortwave radiation at TOA (W/m^2) isccp.tcld2hx2h.DEC07.enso.ssa totoal cloud fraction (%) From NCEP reanalysis: ncep2hx2h.Q500.FEB09.enso.ssa specific humidity at 500mb (g/kg) ncep2hx2h.Q850.FEB09.enso.ssa specific humidity at 850mb (g/kg) ncep2hx2h.omega500.FEB09.enso.ssa omega at 500mb (mPa/s) ncep2hx2h.t400.FEB09.enso.ssa temperature at 400mb (C) From PR (Precipitation Radar on TRMM): pr3A25a-prec2hx2h.FEB09.enso.ssa precipitation (mm/day) pr3A25a-srf2hx2h.FEB09.enso.ssa stratiform rainfall fraction (%) csh-aplh2hx2h.FEB09.enso.ssa altitude of the peak of latent heating (km) From TMI (TRMM microwave imager): tmi3A12-aplh2hx2h.FEB09.enso.ssa altitude of the peak of latent heating (km) tmi3A12-prec2hx2h.FEB09.enso.ssa precipitation (mm/day) tmi3A12-srf2hx2h.FEB09.enso.ssa stratiform rainfall fraction (%) tmirss-clw2hx2h.FEB09.enso.ssa column cloud liquid water (mm) tmirss-cwv2hx2h.FEB09.enso.ssa column water vapor (mm) tmirss-sst2hx2h.FEB09.enso.ssa sea surface temperature (C) tmirss-wspd11-2hx2h.FEB09.enso.ssa surface wind speed from 11GHz channel (m/s) tmirss-wspd37-2hx2h.FEB09.enso.ssa surface wind speed from 37GHz channel (m/s)